

Name: Roseline
Location: Ipoh, Perak.
Former School: Main Convent
Former College: Davies College, UK, Eastbourne College of Art and Design.

Interest: looking at recipe books, home deco magazine, chit chatting, gardening, watching TV





Designed by PREVIOUS me! !
Designed by ME!
Brushes from X, X, X

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Forgiveness ------important to forgive
many a time we take so long to forgive.......and later something happen and we regret taking so long to forgive .

The “Five A’s” can resolve conflict. These simple steps will almost always lead to peace.

Children, like adults, can learn to confess their wrongs in a way that demonstrates they are taking full responsibility for their part in a conflict.

  • Admit what you did wrong. Include both wrong desires and bad choices.
  • Apologize for how your choice affected the other person. Express the sorrow you feel.
  • Accept the consequences for your wrongdoing without argument or excuses.
  • Ask for forgiveness.
  • Alter your choice in the future. Think over and plan how you are going to act differently next time.

8. Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. By forgiving someone, we are making four promises.

False Ideas about Forgiveness

  • You need to feel like forgiving before you can really forgive. (Wrong. It’s a choice you make, not a feeling.)
  • Forgiveness means forgetting about what someone did to hurt you.
  • Forgiveness excuses the other person’s sin.
  • Forgiveness depends on getting a guarantee that someone won’t do the same wrong thing again.

Four Promises of Forgiveness

  • I promise I will not dwell on what you did wrong. I will think good thoughts about you and do good for you.
  • I promise I will not bring up this situation and use it against you.
  • I promise I will not talk to others about what you did.
  • I promise I will be friends with you again.

9. It is never too late to start doing what's right. You can always stop doing wrong, then think about a better way and plan how to pursue it.

10. Think before you speak. Or before you act. Or before you confront someone.

11. Respectful communication is more likely to be heard. This includes the words we speak, our tone of voice and our body language (making eye contact and avoiding bad gestures, facial expressions or posture).

12. A respectful appeal can prevent conflict. Learn how to make one.

  • Stop yourself from choosing to say or do something that will cause conflict.
  • Think about why you want to appeal and about what words to use.
  • Appeal (Ask): Using 'I” messages and questions, communicate your appeal in a respectful way.
  • Respond respectfully whether the other person answers yes or no.

whisperings of nature

Friday, August 15, 2008


As she dash into the house she saw Ian's pair of socks.
She got them and dash inside......"Mummy get the socks" Ian shouted.
Took a piece of bread, hoping she will exchange the socks for the bread.
No way!!! she wants to part with the socks.....she dashed out so quickly,...
escaping from the narrow lane. She was being smart.....but I thought i could
out smart her by making some sound with the rice pot. She got tricked but that was not the end. She still refused to part with the socks. Got a piece of tasty meat placed in her bowl. Yes, she wanted it too. With the socks in her mouth she actually managed to get the meat too. Ian and I were stunned with amusement. We found it hilariously funny. She is indeed GREEDY!!!!
Then I tried to removed the socks from her mouth speed of lightning
Snoopy actions took Ian by surprise.......Ian was holding onto the piece of bread we tried to tempt snoopy with. Since she had to give in the socks (to me) she immediately chose her alternative to have the bread instead. She just grabbed the bread so , so, quickly.....luckily didn't bite Ian's fingers. Oh! Miss Snoopy Lim is ever so CUTE!!!

whisperings of nature