

Name: Roseline
Location: Ipoh, Perak.
Former School: Main Convent
Former College: Davies College, UK, Eastbourne College of Art and Design.

Interest: looking at recipe books, home deco magazine, chit chatting, gardening, watching TV





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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Be Still
“He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.” – Psalm 107:29

A man nervously paced the floor of his office. He needed an answer from God, time was running out, and he was becoming desperate. A deadline was upon him. He had prayed for the answer, yet he still did not have a clue as to what the answer would be. “Lord, you know exactly what I need. You have never failed me, and I know you won’t fail me now,” he cried out.
Finally he became silent in his weariness.
In his quietness, the answer finally came: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). He realized that in all his worry and crying out to God, he had failed to do what was necessary—be still. He was crying out so loudly and so persistently that he could not hear the voice of God speaking to him, giving him the solution to his dilemma. Hurriedly, he ran to his desk and began to do the research for his project as God showed him what to look for. He began typing, and the words came faster than he could move his fingers. When the project was presented, the very words of that verse became life: God was exalted and received the glory.

Many times, we can be like this man. We get so worried and consumed with the situation at hand that our conversation with the Lord becomes one sided. We cry out so loudly that we cannot hear the loving God who answers us before we call, and while we are yet speaking, will hear us (Isaiah 65:24). God wants to speak peace to our souls. He knows our every concern and already has the perfect solution, but He patiently waits for us to be still so we can hear Him.

It is difficult to be still in the midst of trouble, but God will calm the storms so the waves subside around us. When we are still and listen to Him, God gives the wisdom we are seeking. It may not be what we are expecting, but it will be exactly what we need. He has the solution to our every problem. He only asks that we be still.

whisperings of nature